Nothing Yet
I still have not been able to reach my best friend in Mississippi. Each land line call I attempt comes back as "all circuits are busy". The cell phone calls vary from being sent through to voice mail or getting a "Due to the hurricane in the area you are trying to call, your call cannot be completed at this time. Please hang up and try again." message.
When I have been getting through on voice mail I have left messages stating what time it is and expressing the hope that they are okay, and that I will keep trying to get through. That if somehow they got to a land line that was working to call us collect no matter what. Trying not to let my voice crack or to break down in tears as I do so.
I know that if they are okay, they are trying like mad to get through somehow. It's the if that is worrying me.
My college friend says that her brother is trying to make his way from Mississippi to Florida where the rest of his family lives. His condo and his office were both located in the French Quarter. All of it is gone. They are not letting anyone back into that section any time soon. So he will not be able to see if there is anything at all left from his life there.
I dozed off this evening while trying to read a book. I had the strangest jumbled up dream. But the gist of it was that my best friend drove up here with a strange combination of people and cats. I was following her around as we tried to find food for everyone to eat and asking her what had happened. She said that she did not want to talk about it yet, and wanted to wait until we were alone, that she had to get her bearings. But we were never alone for her to tell me how they had gotten up here, what they had been through, etc. Then I woke up and tried to call her again, only to get sent to voice mail.
I can only hope and pray and keep trying. Ignoring the sick feeling in my gut and keeping the tears at bay. Hoping that when all is said and done that I will feel so silly for all this worry.
American Red Cross
The Salvation Army
BBB for Charities -- Investigate all charities before donating.
Eye of the Storm -- Local Newspaper Guy in Biloxi/Gulfport Area
WLOX -- Gulfport/Biloxi Local News
I hope you hear something soon! My husband's neice (who he is close with) lives in Gautier, Mississppi. They fled to Florida during the hurricane and are okay. However, I really wonder what they have to go back to. They are a young family (she is barely 21) and they have a 2 year old and she is pregnant. I couldn't imagine trying to start over with nothing. From all that I have seen on the news, I worry that is what is in store for them as well as many, many others.
I really hope you hear something soon.
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