Silky Goodness
The weekend before last I got to go to the LYS by my mother's house. I had been there once before with my then 2 year old (she is had a birthday recently and is now 3), but didn't get to see much. A toddler running back and forth between rooms at a yarn shop is a shop-keepers nightmare. And not too pleasant for the mommy who has to keep saying "Please don't run, come look at this with mommy. No,don't take those off the shelf! Please get out from under there." etc. You can't really admire fibery goodness while attempting to hold a squirming toddler against one hip and trying to keep a huge diaper bag from slipping off the opposite shoulder. Well, maybe there are some super shoppers out there who could do so, but I can't.
So I conspired to go to my mother's home a little early for Sunday dinner, just so I could sneak in a shopping trip sans kiddies. Hubby stayed at my mom's and I got to run free through the yarn store and loll in the fiber filled atmosphere. Okay, I didn't exactly run. It was more of a jaunty step as I wandered the rooms filled with yarns.
I managed to grab some Elsebeth Lavold Silky Wool. What for? Branching Out of course! I chose four different colors (as you only need one per scarf) and some size 10.5 needles that I had been needing and headed to the check out counter. Imagine my surprise when the lady behind the counter offered to ball my yarn for me!* Of course I jumped at the chance and got to see a swift and a yarn wonder in person. I was suitably impressed, and in envy. I wanted to smuggle them out with me to wind some yarn at home. Is that so wrong? I would have brought them back. Honest!
You can see the yummy yarn in all it's glory. Sigh. It's nice and soft too. Even my sensitive skinned brother loved it. (I can see making his Christmas gift out of this yarn!) The lovely colors featured in the photo are (top to bottom, left to right): 006 Ferrous Red, 010 Woad ,008 Moss and 005 Lava.
*Now why does that sound dirty to me?

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