Last night I cast on to figure out how many stitches I am going to need to make the girls ponchos out of all that Micro-Spun I bought. I am going to do the two rectangle poncho shape. The question is of course am I going to make the rectangle lengthwise or width wise. I am considering doing one of each just for variety. That way the girls would have "matching" ponchos, but each would be unique. We shall see what happens. I may change my mind before all is said and done.

I am glad that I did the swatching. From that I can figure out just how many stitches I will need to cast on per inch. The yarn calls for a size 4 needle to be used. I wanted a looser knit fabric, so I tried out a size 6, and then a size 8. This swatch is made using the size 8 needles. Another thing I found out what it was like to work with the yarn. Oh boy does it like to unravel. I had to knot the beginning end so it wouldn't all come apart on me. Then working with it I would sometimes have to go back and re-do a stitch because one little strand of the ply would become separated (like in the photo) and make the stitch look funky. I will have to be careful as I knit. Otherwise there will be a lot of froggin' going on in my future.
I just bought a ton of this yarn at Michael's. It is on sale for $2.47. Thanks for the comment on the unravelling. I will have to watch for that. I noticed the skeins like to come apart easily at the store.
I will have to go and stop by Michaels and see if they any of the micro-spun in Royal Blue. It's the colors that I am missing for the ponchos. I need to get a skein of it beofre I can start knitting for real.
Ah Microspun. I crocheted a wrap from it a few years ago. It did split easily and it was one of my more frustrating crochet experiences.
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